EAT MORE Allergylicious

EAT MORE Allergylicious

My goal is to give you the confidence to bake delicious vegan and allergy-friendly desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth.
— Nicole (Allergylicious)

I am sure that most of you know Allergylicious (Nicole) or you might still be drooling over her baked goods. This eat more ‘episode’ was requested ALOT, it would have been rude not to eat like her! We know she is a great cook and baker but what makes her special to me, is that it has come from a love of her family. She has 3 children, and she found the allergy world by coming face to hive with her last child.

There is so much love and passion behind Nicole’s blog. She didn’t learn to adapt to allergies overnight but she wants to help you on your journey. They have been through a lot, but that journey has led Nicole to help others and to bring us delicious, allergylicious, food. I couldn’t be more grateful.

As always my food may have different ingredients based on what I had in my house. The EAT MORE series is about inspiration and to show you how many amazing food allergy bloggers there are and to celebrate their work. I will link all of their recipes, but I will not share mine.

I hope you enjoy this one and please comment on who I should eat more like next time.

Healthy Breakfast Recipes Pinterest Pin Template.jpg

Intead of smashed, I sliced the potatoes and made salt & vinegar crisps. They were delicious, I would have never thought to do this!

Instead of chocolate chips I added chia seeds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. I also used Creative Nature Gluten free flour! it was amazing.

I used vegetarian sausage as the vegan ones all contain peas. So I used Cauldron’s which I love. Their range is amazing and they make the products on a nut free site.


I love chia puddings in the morning or evening (as a dessert). I get my chia seeds from Creative Nature

You can use ALLERGYTABLE10 for 10% off your order

I love muffins, I actually put the mixture in a bowl and made it like a massive cake - AMAZING!! had it for breakfast for the week!


I didn’t realised that pesto could taste this good. Honestly wow!

I added pretzels and chocolate on top - instead of chocolate chip.

I used my pancakes in replace of the cake for easiness and had it for breakfast!


I made these with homemade sunflower seed butter and NOMO hazelnot crunch bar - crunchy texture and a soft sun ‘nutty’ flavour. Nicole made these for valentines day - which is coming up! (I used heart ice tray moulds!)

Please let me know what dishes you might want to try and who I should do next.

Thank you Nicole for the inspiration

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Facebook - Allergylicious

Pinterest - Allergylicious

Leave a comment below about what dish you would want to make!

Red, White, and Blue Apple Pie

Red, White, and Blue Apple Pie

EAT MORE nut free

EAT MORE nut free