EAT MORE nut free
“I don’t always bring dessert - but when I do, it’s nut free”
I began this series a couple of months ago (not knowing it would be a series then), with eating like Amanda Orlando aka Everyday Allergen Free. The blog was as a birthday present to her, to show that she impacts lives and every recipe is important to the community. There are times that I feel ‘what is the point in putting out recipes’, especially if no one is making them at home. Therefore, I decided to embark on a series called EAT MORE. In this series, I will get inspiration from other allergy food bloggers and explore recipes and cuisines I might not have come across before. This is so that they know there work is important.
It can be quite fear inducing, trying foods and dishes that are new. But I hope that this series will spur you on to explore more as well, and show that it is fun changing up your routine.
If you want to have a look at Amanda’s one click - EAT MORE allergen free.
This blog is from Zoe. Zoe was one of my spotlights “Good Vibes Zoe”. She started an Instagram account this year and it really took off. Her recipes are simple yet delicious and she eats different cuisines that are made friendly for her. She cooks with a lot of fresh fruits & vegetables and her plates are very vibrant!
I had a lovely time eating more like her and I hope you will take inspiration from this as well. The recipes are not exact to hers -so I won’t give the recipe I used - but if you would like to know how she made them, click the title and it will take you to hers.
Comment down below, who you would like me to do next! 2021 is coming fast!
This yoghurt bowl is made with frozen fruit, sun seeds, made good granola bites and gnawbles (ALLERGYTABLE10 if you want 10% Creative Nature)
I can now have fresh apples, so it was so yummy to do a frozen berry smoothie with an apple!!
You know when you dont know what flavours you want? This is that time. All 4 delicious!
Quick, easy and mouthwatering!
Added in dried mixed fruit for that Christmassy flavour! Game changer.
I love Nomo chocolate and I used Zoe’s recipe and added dark choc instead of white and honey instead of biscoff.
I have been loving having hot oat milk with cinnamon & ginger in the evenings. Oatly is the best - I use their Creme Fraiche, vanilla custard, greek yoghurt (Should I do a review on them?)
How amazing and vibrant are Zoe’s recipes! I am excited to try some more in the future! She is also part of the ‘I am a person behind the allergy’ campaign.
Please let me know what dishes you might want to try and who I should do next.
Thank you Zoe for the inspiration
Zoe’s Instagram - @nutfreezoe