The Great British Bake off 2018

The Great British Bake off 2018

It is bake off season! I am so happy to be baking every week with a new challenge and new flavours.- There will be a new one every week until the bake-off finishes.


Who doesn't love a biscuit? I know I do! Shaking things up a bit and make a cake from a biscuit recipe, it came out so well.

Biscuit cake with salted caramel sauce and dark chocolate drizzle- serve cold

cookie cake.jpg

Star sandwiches with salted caramel sauce


Biscuit ingredients 

  • 1 1/2 cups butter (softened)

  • 1 cup castor sugar

  • 1 cup icing sugar

  • 2 whole eggs

  • vanilla essence to taste

  • 3 1/2 cups plain flour

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • salt to taste


  • Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/350°F/180°C

  • Prepare a round cake dish with baking paper

  • In a bowl add butter + sugars and mix with electric mixer until the texture is smooth

  • Add in eggs. Mix in one by one. Put in vanilla once the eggs have my added

  • Put the baking powder, flour into the wet ingredients then add salt. Mix until thick and dough like.

  • Place dough on a counter of plain flour or baking paper. Roll it out, about 1-2cm and able to fill the cake dish.

  • Pierce the biscuit base with a fork and place in the fridge for 20 minutes.

  • Cut off the parts that didn't fit - and roll that dough out again. Use a biscuit cutter to make shapes for the top and the sandwiches.

  • Place the shapes on more baking paper and place in fridge for 20 minutes.

  • Whilst the biscuits are in the fridge skip to the caramel section.

  • You’ve added the ingredients for the caramel - now take the biscuits out of the fridge and put in the preheated oven for approx 7 minutes or until golden and flaky.

  • Once finished let them cool and make your caramel.


Salted caramel


  • 2 tbsp salted butter

  • 1/2 cup light brown muscovado sugar

  • 1/4 cup double cream

  • 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt

  • vanilla essence to taste


  • *Right now you should have the biscuits in the fridge.*

  • Place all of the ingredients in a small saucepan except the vanilla essence.

  • *Go back to the biscuit method now*

  • The biscuits are now out of the oven.

  • Place the saucepan with the ingredients on the stove with a medium heat. Whisk them together and allow to boil.

  • Once there is a boil, reduce the heat and keep whisking whilst they simmer.

  • It will take a while but don't stop whisking until you think it is a caramel texture, whisk in the vanilla while doing this.

  • Once there is caramel forming, remove from heat, let cool slightly and pour over the biscuit base.

  • While the caramel is cooling place the shapes on them and let the cake cool completely.

  • *Go to the chocolate method*

  • (For the sandwiches make a new caramel and added it to the shapes but only once the caramel has completely cooled - Then go to the chocolate method)

Chocolate drizzle


  • 1/2 pack Dr. Oetker dark chocolate chips

  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil


  • Add all the ingredients into a microwave bowl

  • Microwave for 30 secs - mix with spoon until smooth.

  • Drizzle over the cake and sandwiches.

I made this for my friend's birthday who doesn't like anything with a cakey texture. It's a perfect substitute. The star sandwiches I gave to my nanny family who were obsessed. The caramel is something that dreams were made of.


Tray bake is the easiest cake you can make (along with loaf). It is quick and comes out spongy and delicious.

Sticky toffee pudding traybake with salted caramel sauce- serve cold


Sticky toffee


  • 250g dried pitted dates.

  • 250ml boiling water

  • 75g butter (softened)

  • 175g light muscovado sugar

  • 2 whole eggs

  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate soda

  • 175g self-raising flour

  • 1 tsp all spice or mixed spice

  • vanilla essence to taste


  • Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/350°F/180°C

  • Prepare tray tin that's 2/3cm deep, butter or place a baking sheet.

  • Chop up the pitted dates finely, place in a saucepan with the boiling water. Bring to a boil and cook until the dates have softened - stirring occasionally. Once cooked place in a bowl and mash with a fork.

  • In another bowl, add butter, sugar and beat until light and creamy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating them as you go.

  • Place the bicarbonate soda in the dates + stir. Put them in cake mixture, adding in the flour, spice, and vanilla beat with a wooden spoon now until combined.

  • Pour the mixture in the tray tin, bake for 25 minutes. - mixture will feel firm to the touch. Let cool.

  • *Go to sauce method*

Caramel ingredients

  • 100g light muscovado sugar

  • 100g butter

  • 150ml double cream

  • vanilla taste

  • salt to taste (if you would like salted caramel)


  • All the ingredients in a saucepan bring to boil.

  • Cook until slightly thickened (needs to be drizzled - won't be hard caramel like)

  • Once tray bake is cool, drizzle over sporadically.

  • Refrigerate until you serve. Cut up in any shape you would like.

  • If you have any sauce remaining serve with that along with ice cream or fruit or both!

If you can see I love salted caramel, if you don't, don't use the salt. I would be making salted caramel for a the next few recipes, having an obsession at the moment.

I adapted the recipe and method using the Sainsbury's Magazine I found on pinterest. You can find it here.

Happy baking!


FYI- I forgot that bread dough needs to prove (rise). Do this recipe on a day when you are not so busy or rushed. They did not come out the way I would have liked but they tasted fantastic.

Chocolate and orange bread twists-serve hot or cold.


Dough ingredients

  • 150g strong wholemeal bread flour

  • 160g plain flour

  • 2 tbsp light muscavado sugar

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 7g sachet of fast action yeast (they come in packs and your local supermarket)

  • 200ml coconut milk (room temperature)

  • 1tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Chocolate ingredients

  • 150g dark chocolate (I always use Dr. Oetker)

  • 1tsp coconut oil

Caramelised oranges

  • 2 whole oranges (unwaxed and washed)

  • 220g light muscavado sugar

  • 230ml water


  • In a mixing bowl, mix the flours, salt, yeast and sugar with a wooden spoon.

  • Pour the milk in the bowl and mix throughly. Add the olive oil and combine until there is a dough formation.

  • Place the dough on a work board and knead the dough. Pulling, pressing, turning over and give it a massage for 10 minutes (do not skip this step - it will be boring but hey!)

  • After this the dough should be smooth (maybe shiny) make a ball and place back into your mixing bowl, coat with a light layer of olive oil and cover the bowl with a tea towel. Place the bowl and a warm area but not in heat (ie. on the stove). Let it prove for 2 hours (minimum an hour) - it will be double in size.

  • Now on to the oranges! Cut up the oranges thinly sliced and place in a saucepan. add the sugar and water and bring to a boil. Simmer the oranges for an hour, stirring intermittently making sure the sugar doesn't stick to the bottom -- if the sugar isn't forming a syrup texture put the temp up a bit until the oranges are soft and caramelised. Once finished remove from heat and allow to cool.

  • 10 minutes before the bread proved itself (to be trusting), cut up the chocolate and place in a microwavable bowl with the coconut oil on top. place in the microwave for 30 secs, mix together and repeat until the chocolate is smooth. Let rest until you are ready to put on the dough.

  • Place the dough on the work board, and push out any air with your fingers. Cut the dough into 4 equal parts. Roll each part out forming a rectangle. Thinly but not breakable.

  • Cut up the cooled oranges into the small pieces.

  • Add some dark chocolate to the dough, thinly coated, sprinkle pieces of orange on the chocolate.

  • From the shorter side roll to form a cylinder. Cut down the long side and start twisting the sides around each other. Coat some more chocolate and oranges on top. Repeat this process for the rest.

  • Place the twists on a baking dish lined with baking paper - they will rise in the oven so maybe have two baking dishes. Cover again with a tea towel for an hour.

  • Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4/350°F/180°C

  • When the hour is up bake for 20-25 minutes.

  • If you have any orange sugar left over glaze that on top.

  • Let cool, and serve.

Happy baking!


Sweet & sour wins in my opinion - mixed popcorn, salted caramel, apple & cheese, chocolate pretzels - the list is endless. This week I did sweet and sour cheese cake. I have never made a cheese cake that has come out so well, I am very chuffed with myself. (If you would like to see some of my failures leave me a comment down below!)

No bake ginger, lemon & lavender cheesecake - Serve cold

Base ingredients

  • 1 pack ginger nuts (not nuts)

  • 2 tsbp Coconut oil or softened butter

Filling ingredients

  • 1 family pack full fat cream cheese (I used philadelphia)

  • 250ml double cream

  • 50g protein powder or 50g of powdered sugar

  • 1tsp lemon juice

  • 2tsp lavender flowers

  • 1tbsp stem ginger juice

Decoration ingredients

  • 2 stem gingers (thinly sliced)

  • 1 lemon rind (cut up)

  • sprinkle of lavender flowers


  • Line a cake tin with baking paper.

  • In a food processor wiz the biscuits until grain like (if you don't have a processor place biscuits in a plastic bag with a seal, and beat the biscuits with a rolling-pin - until grain like, crumble with hands if needed)

  • Mix in oil/butter

  • Pour the mixture into the cake tin. Spread out to make sure the mix is distributed evenly. Poke a few times with a fork and place in the fridge until your filling is finished.

  • In a mixing bowl pour in double cream and whisk electrically, until the cream is smooth but not stiff - then add in the cream cheese and combine with the whisk until stiff, add in all the other ingredients. (If the filling is too runny add in more powdered sugar (never more of protein powder). Pour the filling into the cold base and spread out evenly then place in the fridge for two more hours or overnight (preferred)

  • Once ready to serve (or take a picture) place the decorations on the cake however you like.

  • You can freeze leftovers to eat another day (or in an hour).

Happy no baking!


Filo, shortcrust, puff, choux, flaky... the list is endless. No matter which you use it is always delicous.

I used a shortcrust for my samosas this week because I want thick ones. Typically samosas are made with filo but it was too thin for my filling. Also I made too much filling so I put into a container and used it for me and mum's lunch the next day.

Spicy veggie samosas - serve hot or cold


Dough ingredients

  • 256g plain flour

  • 1/2tsp salt

  • 1/2tsp cumin seeds

  • 57g butter (melted)

  • 125ml warm water (you may not need all of it)

Filling ingredients

  • 300g Quorn mince (or veggie mince of your choice)

  • 1 chopped onion (finely chopped)

  • 2 garlic cloves (mashed)

  • 2 medium potatoes

  • 1 fresh turmeric

  • 1/4tsp ginger powder

  • 3 fresh bird's-eye chillies (thinly chopped - don't touch face)

  • 1/2 tsp coriander (as needed for flavour)

  • 1 bag of spinach

Oil for frying high heat and oven for baking medium heat.


  • Light oil fry the onion, garlic and beef on medium heat until they are all cooked through, add the spices and stir. Add the potatoes and spinach and reduce heat until the filling is smooth and firm. Let it rest until cool ( you can even put it in another container to allow it to go cold).

  • In a mixing bowl add the flour, butter, salt and seeds and mix well. When it is all combined slowly add the water, stopping pouring to knead throughly. Once you get a smooth (not sticky), firm dough cover it and let it rest for 15 minutes.

  • Cut up the potatoes into small chunks and par boil them (not soft but not uncooked).

  • When the dough is rested pull apart balls (the number of balls is depending on how many samosas you want - as they get smaller there will be less filling to go inside).

  • Roll out the balls in a rectangular shape and not so think but not thin that they will break.

  • Take a short end of the rectangle and fold inwards, then do that to the other short side and seal those ends. Once you pick it up it should be a cone shape - place in the filling inside and fold the top of the pastry over the filling and seal it.

  • Once you have repeated that for all of them put a tea towel to cover them and let them rest for 20 minutes. - Heat the oven on a medium heat.

  • When ready, pour the oil in a deep pan and heat on high heat (don't over crowd the pan). It will spit so put a top over it or a pan cover. Turn them over. Once both sides are crispy place on a baking dish.

  • When all the samosas are on the dish put in the oven until they become golden and all the edges are cooked through.

  • Take out of the oven and let sit - they can be served hot or cold.

  • You can eat the remaining filling for lunch or dinner!

Happy baking


Anyone who knows me, knows I am not a fan of veganism -  not with the choice of not eating animal products, which is absolutely amazing, but with how society has run with the monetary value on veganism. Most of my "safe" restaurants and products have now gone semi-vegan. If I was just allergic to nuts it would be hard but manageable but vegans consume a lot of legumes and seeds which for me is a no-no. I would love restaurants to implement a free from for actual allergies not just "health" products.


That being said I love dairy free baking, so I was absolutely happy to make these vegan donuts, but unfortunately I didn't have a donut tin so I put the batter in a cupcake tin but they taste the same.

pumpkin spiced vegan donuts - serve cold

Batter ingredients

  • 200g plain flour

  • 1tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1tsp mixed spice

  • 1tsp baking powder

  • 1/4tsp bicarbonate soda

  • 1/3tsp salt

  • 55g pumpkin puree (I get mine at Whole Foods)

  • 2tbsp sunflower oil

  • 100ml dairy-free milk (coconut)

  • 80ml maple syrup (or agave syrup)

  • 1tsp vanilla extract

  • 1tsp apple cider vinegar (I forgot that)

Glaze ingredients

  • 4tbsp dairy free butter (flora dairy free)

  • 1/2 coconut sugar or brown sugar

  • 2tsp ground cinnamon


  • Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/350°F/180°C. Grease the tin you are using with dairy free butter

  • Stir the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl

  • In a measuring jug measure the dairy free milk and then add in all the other ingredients.

  • Once everything is stirred mix both wet and dry ingredients together until it is smooth.

  • You can put the batter in an icing bag (but ain't nobody got time for that). I scoop the batter with a teaspoon and then smooth it down in the tin. (it will be messy but you can change shapes and less clean up).

  • Bake in oven for 12-15 minutes until the tops are golden-ish.

  • When ready let cool.

  • As the donuts are cooling, melt the dairy free butter in a saucepan and then move to a cool bowl.

  • In another bowl mix the sugar and cinnamon.

  • Once the donuts are cool dip them one by one into the butter and place on a tray. When they are all buttered sieve 1/2 sugar mix on top of them - turn over and sieve the remainder.

  • I added some melted chocolate (which I detailed in the biscuit week).

I found this on the Wallflower Kitchen blog. If you want to see how they should look you can find it here.

The next vegan recipe will be a meringue - watch this space.

Happy baking!


It is another bread. I baked a danish in 2016 so I wanted to challenge myself. Here is a rye bread. As always make sure you have a lot of time on your hands when you are making bread from scratch. Time keeping is everything, however, once you taste it, it will all be worth it. 

*Have a bread tin but also a separate tin for water at the end of the recipe -  also a plastic bag*

Coffee & date rye bread - serve cold or toasted.


  • 400g strong wholemeal bread flour

  • 100g rye flour

  • 1.5tsp salt

  • 1tsp ground ginger

  • 2tsp easy action yeast

  • 30g castor sugar

  • 320ml tepid whole milk

  • 30g butter (soft)

  • 30ml very strong cold espresso (i used a little more than this - it smelled like coffee but not such a strong taste)

  • 150g dates (finely chopped and I used a bit more than this - I love dates)


  • Mix flours, ginger, and sugar in a bowl.

  • Add in the salt, yeast and butter to the mixture. Once combined pour the espresso and 3/4 of the milk.

  • Stir the mixture with your hands forming a dough which will be soft and not flaky. (Avoid sticky or wet dough)

  • When the dough is formed place on a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes (DO NOT skimp on the time - best option is to go a little over). The dough should be smooth and elastic.

  • Place the dough in a clean bowl with a clean tea towel atop. Leave it to rise 1-2 hours -- should be doubled in size. (I checked on it 1.5hrs in).

  • During this time, chop the dates finely so you have more in your bread slices.

  • When the dough has risen put it back on the surface and roll it out in a rectangular shape. Sprinkle the dates over it and then fold and knead again for 3-4 minutes, distributing the dates evenly.

  • Mould the dough in an oval/round shape. Loosely wrap on a floured baking sheet and put in the afore-mentioned plastic bag. Leave for an hour to double in size again.

  • Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7/425°F/220°C. Place the separate baking tray on the bottom shelf of the oven.

  • Take the dough out of the bag. Slash the dough with a sharp knife with what ever pattern you like. Dust the dough with a little flour put it in the baking tray.

  • Place the bread in the oven, and fill up the other baking tray with water, to create steam in the oven for a crispy loaf.

  • Cook for 20 minutes and then turn down the oven to gas mark 6/400°F/200°C - bake for another 5-7 minutes. The bread should be hollow at the bottom (mine need more time).

*If it still needs to be cooked - but its crisping up - place tin foil on the top so that the bread won't be soggy.*

  • When done turn the oven off but leave the bread inside, (remove the foil if you needed it), door should be ajar.

I used the bread for about a week but my recipe said consume within 3 days.

This fab bread is from little sugar snaps. Check them out if you have any questions.

Happy Baking!



It is the semi-final which means I should be getting better or at least more adventurous but alas. This week is a somewhat repeat again but I have a new tool o make it better.

*You should have a mini donut tray for this recipe.*

Mini jam & ginger donuts - serve cold with a side of a hot bevvy

Batter ingredients

  • 128g plain flour

  • 3/4tsp baking powder

  • 1/4tsp baking soda

  • 1tsp ground cinnamon

  • 1/2tsp ginger (I used a tad more because I'm obsessed)

  • 1/2tsp mixed spice

  • 1/4tsp salt

  • 50g brown sugar

  • 1 egg

  • 50g strawberry jam (Bonne Maman to be exact)

  • 1tbsp coconut milk (dairy-free ish)

  • 2tbsp butter (melted)

Glaze ingredients

  • 75g protein powder (golden syrup - any flavour will do)

  • 50g strawberry jam

  • 1tbsp of any spice you would like


  • Pre-heat oven to gas mark 4/350°F/180°C.

  • Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl, then stir in the wet ingredients.

  • If you have and would like to use a piping bag then pour the mixture in there and fill the donut tin circles half full. If you are like me and have never achieved the art in piping then I used a teaspoon. The mixture should be soft enough to mould half way full - it's a little messy but there's no shame in not being great at something. (HINT *they still taste the same)

  • Bake for about 7-8 minutes.

  • Whilst baking make the glaze. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl and the texture should be soft but also sticky.

  • Remove bakes from oven and empty on to a board where they can cool. If you have more batter repeat the baking process until it is all used up.

  • Once the donuts are cooled put the glaze on. Do not stack or put something on top as they will be sticky and you will look some of the glaze.

The batter recipe came from pinch of yum. They made a salted caramel glaze and the batter contains applesauce so if you prefer that head on over.

Happy Baking!


It is here. The week. The final week. The week where we find out what the bakers are made of. The week that we find out who is the ultimate star baker. *Spoiler alert at the end*

It was beginning to look like Christmas when I made these. Two recipes that I have never been able to try (*may contain life) and what do you now. They are absolutely fab.

*You need to chill dough for 2 hours or preferably over night and you will need baking beans and cupcake/muffin tin and the mince will need to rest for a week before you should use it.

Pâte sucrée mince pies - Serve cold. (you can heat up for 10 secs but I prefer them cold)


Pâte sucrée ingredients

  • 340g plain flour

  • 100g granulated sugar

  • 1tsp salt

  • 220g unsalted butter (cold and but into small squares)

  • 2 egg yolks

  • ice/cold water


  • Mix flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Mix in the butter with fork (I prefer my hands) so that it the butter look bigger than garden peas. - You can use a food processor but I prefer doing the work my self.

  • Add the yolks in keep mixing the ingredients in the bowl. The mixture food be 'fine' when the eggs have fully been distributed.

  • Stir in the water 1 tablespoon at a time, stop when the mix is moist enough to make a mould.

  • Separate the dough in half and smooth out each portion circles. Wrap with cling film and chill in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight. (I always do overnight).

  • *Whilst they are setting go to the mince method.*

  • Remove dough from fridge and allow to rest at room temperature for 15-30 minutes (if you allow it to be too close to a heated substance - i.e. an oven the butter will melt).

  • Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface in rectangular shape - long enough to fit the cupcake/muffin tin. Keep turning dough over so it doesn't stick to the surface. Grease the tin with oil spray or butter

  • Lay the dough over the tin and cut out dough so it fits in the moulds. Then press the dough around them. Try not to stretch. Trim any extra pastry. Cover the tin and put back in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

  • Pre-heat oven to gas mark 5/375°F/190°C.

  • Remove the tins from fridge. Prick the pastry all over with a fork. Put the baking beans in the shells. Cover the tin with tin foil and back for 15 mins.

  • Remove the foil and beans until they are golden brown.

  • Once cooled put the cooled mince in the them, sprinkle with icing sugar (optional - it will soak into the mixture anyway).

Mince ingredients

*will yield a lot more than the dough recipe but I used the remainder for weeks with my porridge or you can make more of the pastry.

  • 250g sultanas

  • 250g raisins

  • 100g dried apricots

  • 100g dried dates (chopped)

  • 1 lemon (juice + zest)

  • 1 orange (juice)

  • 100g sugar

  • 2 apples (peeled & finely chopped)

  • Rum or whisky (to taste)

Mince Method

  • Put all the ingredients in to a saucepan on medium heat.

  • Reduce heat to low/medium at simmer for 30 minutes or so.

  • Once cool add the rum or whisky and leave for a week in the fridge or a cool area.

The pâte sucrée was from The Spruce Eats (made for one large tart). The mince recipe was from my mother - If you would like to know her thoughts of my life with allergies, please read the Q&A I did with her, here.

It has been a blast for The Great British Bake off 2018. I cannot wait for next year. I have a long way to go in my skills but progress and consistency makes for more progress and more consistency. Bring on 2019! 

The Great British Bake off 2019: Cake Week

The Great British Bake off 2019: Cake Week

Quick french bread

Quick french bread