What is The Allergy Table?

What is The Allergy Table?

Welcome to my blog. My name is Lindiwe and I have Anaphylaxis. I want to tell you my story, take a seat, I love a chat.


I was born in London in the early 90’s. Soon after my birth, my mother felt that something was wrong. I had (and still have) asthma, eczema and year-round hay fever. Throwing up bananas was a daily occurrence. She says that she had a “strong feeling” that I was allergic to nuts - due to her experiments when breast-feeding. My first major allergy attack increased her certainty.

The first one, the big one, the one that changed the course of our lives. This is how it was told to me -- I was at a party, 10 months old and sitting next to another baby with a biscuit, the biscuit ended up in my hand, me being ready to eat said biscuit and that's when mum realised what was happening and snatched it out of my hands. Shocked and hungry I proceeded to cry, touching my eyes - that was it, within seconds my face ballooned. That biscuit was filled with PEANUT BUTTER.

The next week I had a lot of scheduled hospital visits. My allergy to peanuts and all nuts was confirmed and it was only the beginning. That's it in a nutshell (I had to do it).
Why am I starting The Allergy Table? All through school, I was treated differently. I had several life-threatening food allergies. Growing up before there was #gluten-free #vegan #dairyfree #allergyfriendly, I had a very different view, few people were taking it seriously - I would hear things from my friends like: “there are studies now that say if you eat a peanut a day you can cure it” or “survival of the fittest - haha just joking”. I always sat on a different table to my friends at lunch because their parents packed them a peanut butter sandwich or they had a sesame seed bar. When we did ‘cooking’ in primary school they made me do something different “just in case” - sometimes I wasn't allowed in the room. I don’t think I minded at the time but looking back now and seeing how the world has come so far, it's quite sad. 

I lived in Geneva, Switzerland from 6 to 16 years old. I loved growing up there it was one of the best experiences in my entire life, however they were not the best on allergies. One example was the time we went out to a restaurant and mum explained my allergies to the waiter, and he flat-out refused to serve us. Now, not that uncommon, I would usually take my own food into the restaurant, they provided a plate, and I ate with my family quite happily. But this was a new location, and he refused to go and ask the chef if it would be possible for me to eat, he wouldn’t check what oil they used for the frites (chips/fries) and he even refused to serve my mother and grandfather. This is just one example in the 11 years I lived there. When I go back there now, most restaurants don’t cook in peanut oil anymore, and they are a little more understanding, which I am grateful for, but it set me up to lead a life where I was always eating differently to everyone else and it seemed to me that was the only option anyway.


I have lived in a lot of places since Geneva (California, New York City, Cambridge (UK), London) and I won't bore you with all the stories right now of when I tried to eat out and what I cooked for myself during this period of my life, however I want to clarify that now it is SO MUCH BETTER, I am eating out more than I have ever done in my life, in part due to my allergy list that I have laminated and take everywhere, and because people take it more seriously, and also (it's a big one) there’s a lot more of us (can we say X Men?).
I have gained and lost severe allergies all through my life. I have frequented many hospitals - including the emergency rooms - all over the world. I have learned to accept that my allergies are not flaws - they are me. They will always be a part of me and I need to stop apologising for them, however, I still feel like I am constantly at The Allergy Table.


If there is anything that resonated with you in this post or on the blog please leave a comment, like the page and/or share with somebody else. Thank you for reading!


Through this Blog I will take you along with me in my journey to stay alive and fully enjoy my life. I will let you know where I went out to eat and if it was a good/bad experience. I will give my own recipes, and ones I got from others not just from my allergy list but food intolerances I don’t have. I will detail all the brands that have given me life not taketh away. #nutfree
I really hope that you enjoy what I have to say and please leave comments and suggestions of what you would like to see, in the contact page. Whether you have allergies, or love someone with allergies, or are a foodie/restaurateur I will leave a seat for you at The Allergy Table.

How the bake off saved my life

How the bake off saved my life