How the bake off saved my life

How the bake off saved my life

It is not just click bait friends. The Great British Bake off did save my life in 2016.


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The beginning of August 2016 I had an ischaemic stroke. I lost the feeling in my right side, couldn't read, speak, write or even BAKE. Throughout my recovery the bake off happened. My NHS nurses helped me to start cooking and baking again but having something weekly to bake was a godsend. It tested me in so many ways. Reading the recipes, talking out loud for what I needed to do and using both hands and the added bonus of trying to find recipes which are allergy friendly.

I haven't stopped since, my happy place is the kitchen. It helped me find the love of baking and eating again. I just want to say to the bake off originals, Mary, Mel, Sue and even Paul, you saved my life that summer and I cannot thank you enough.

Happy Baking!

 If there is anything that resonated with you in this post or on the blog please leave a comment, like the page and/or share with somebody else. Thank you for reading!

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Traveling with allergies

Traveling with allergies

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