Behind the Allergy

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UK BRAND REVIEW: Calvin's FreeFrom coconut bread

UPDATE 2024: Unfortuneately this company has stopped producing. I will still leave this up incase they return or to show what amazing companies have done in the past.

Would reccomend!

I have been watching this product on Instagram for a while and been watching Sabine been advocating for allergies, doing incredible work she has been doing. I was apprehensive to purchase the bread, initially, because it contained psyllium husk - which I have never knowingly consumed. When Sabine (Founder & CEO), reached out and offered to gift me some bread, it was a sign I should try it. I shared with her my list of allergies, and when she assured me that it was safe, I accepted her offer. - That is what I love about small businesses and the allergy community. There is a face to the brand or product. I know Sabine, I have listened to her story (which I will share next) and I felt confident in her. Being able to speak to the founder of the brand and now their story is really powerful when you have allergies and sharing your allergens and being guaranteed is invaluable - thank you Sabine.

Calvin’s FreeFrom

Who is Calvin?

Calvin is Sabine’s son. At 3 months, Calvin developed extreme eczema, without any relief from doctors. He was exhibiting signs of allergies, but no one directed the family on that path (very common in the British health space, very disappointing). One doctor suggested cow’s milk, so that Calvin could gain weight, which resulted in an allergic reaction - from one sip! He spent days in intensive care. Through the years that followed Calvin was on an elimination diet and coconut oil for his skin. His skin cleared and he was a happy and healthy child. They reintroduced foods, which wasn’t a long list, and they found ways to be creative. Through this process, Calvin’s Free From Foods was created.

Calvin’s Products

The products are made in a top 14 common allergens-free facility, which means they are freefrom gluten and are vegan. “Although no allergens are used, the factory still uses other non-allergen ingredients for other products that are produced there. If you have any specific concerns, please contact us directly on .”

At the moment of me writing this, Calvin’s FreeFrom Foods has only one product -

Coconut Flat bread rolls

I really liked them. I like the shape, and texture of the rolls. I wish they would cut open easier (I thought they would be like pitta breads). I have used them with soup, as a pizza base, tortilla triangles and toast. They come in a pack of four and they need to be kept in the fridge, as there are NO preservatives. I loved the flavour, coconutty but doesn’t overwhelm the other flavours of the dish. Truly great product and terrific for the allergy world. This company is one to watch, with a terrific story and a wonderfully, kindhearted CEO. Well done Calvin’s FreeFrom Foods.

I am buying this bread on subscription, and I don’t think I will buy another form of bread for the time being. Truly game changing.

You can also buy their tote bags HERE to support the company.

Have you tried them? Comment below