The Great British Bake off 2019: Pastry Week

The Great British Bake off 2019: Pastry Week

Who doesn’t love pastry?! Its so versatile in flavour and texture. Its quite flimsy but when its done right it is a sight! Well, unfortunately this week was one of those times where I didn’t do it right. So if you want to see me make a blunder and try to tell you how to do it correctly, take a seat…


Signature: Tarte Tatin

Technical: Moroccan pie

Showstopper: Pastry Pie

Chicken & vegetable pie

Pre-baking information: The recipe called for pearl barley, breadcrumbs and pine nuts! To be honest I also didn’t follow grams recipe for the vegetables and I added in chicken. So it isn’t surprising that it didn’t go to plan. Here is a recipe, and I put it into two tins because my mixture was too much for one tin so I doubled the pastry ingredients. IF you wanted to see a professional recipe please go along to the original source! Recipe from Vegetarian living

Filling ingredients

  • 1 butternut squash

  • 1 packet of chicken fillets (omit for a vegetarian pie)

  • 250g chestnut mushroom

  • 1 red onion

  • 3 cloves of garlic

  • 170g Garlic & herb Philadelphia cream cheese

  • 100ml White wine (cooking wine)

  • 100g Vine tomatoes

  • 2 leeks

  • 1 head of broccoli

  • 100ml vegetable stock

  • 2tbsp fresh thyme

  • A glass of wine (put your feet up you deserve it)

Pastry ingredients

  • 300ml water

  • 240g unsalted butter

  • 600g plain flour

  • 1 egg (beaten for coating)


  • Preheat oven to 350ºf/180ºc/gas mark 6. Line baking tray with greaseproof paper and set aside.

  • Cut butternut squash in to cubes, place the tray, cover with oil and roast - keep stirring and until squash is soft in the middle and crispy on the skin. Remove & let rest

  • Whilst the squash is in the oven prepare the first layer.

  • Sauté (in a frying pan) the chicken, cover to make sure they are cooked all the way through.

  • Remove chicken from pan & let rest

  • In the same frying pan, cook the onion, mushrooms, garlic until softened.

  • Cut up the cooked chicken and add back into the frying pan with the mushroom mix. Then add the butternut squash to that and stir in the cream cheese - Place this mixture in to a large bowl & let rest

  • In the frying pan add cut up leeks and cover the pan to let them soften. Add the cut up broccoli to the softened leeks, pour in the stock and white wine slowly. Allow the liquid to boil and reduce in the green mixture - there should be no liquid at the end and the vegetables should be soft.

  • Remove from the heat and at in the cut up tomatoes and thyme. Mix until combine and allow to cool whilst you make the pastry.

  • Add the butter & water to a saucepan, bringing the water to a boil and the butter has melted. Turn off the heat and add the flour to the pan slowly, quickly mixing it to form a dough.

  • Once there is a ball shape, turn it on to a floured surface and knead until not sticky and smooth.

  • Separate it in half. Use one half for the first tin and the second for the other one. (cover and keep the second part warm)

  • Once you have the 1st half, tear off 1/3 of it (that is your roof) - cover that 1/3 until ready to use (keep it warm)

  • Quickly roll out the dough and line one tin with it. If there are any holes or gaps, use the trimmings to fill them.

  • Spread half the leek mixture on the bottom for the first layer, then top with half the butternut squash for the top layer.

  • Roll out the 1/3 layer to make the lid, then pinch (or fork) the top edges. Form a dough with the trimmings and make some decoration for the lid.

  • Read with the remaining pastry and mixtures into the other tin.

  • Once both tins are ready, make a hole in the middle of the pies, brush the beaten egg over the top, place in the oven, and bake for 30 minutes.

  • Reduce the temperate 10 degrees for another 30 minutes.

  • Remove from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes. Carefully remove pies from tins. (this is where it broke so if it does for you don’t worry it still tastes good)

  • If still in tact, place naked pies on a baking tray, brush the egg on both sides of the pies and place back in the oven for 10 minutes to get it all crispy.

  • Remove & rest for 5 minutes

  • Cut in to think slices and enjoy with a glass of white wine.

  • Enjoy up to 3-5 days in the fridge, up to 1-2 months in the freezer.

Unfortunately, Judge D is on half term holiday so I made this from my Godmother in the Yorkshire moors. Her rating is was 9/10. She said she have me a 9 because I told her she can’t give me 10! Result.

If like what you see, or have made/will make this recipe, please leave a comment, like the page and/or share with somebody else. Thank you for reading! Stay safe.

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