Looking back at 2019

Looking back at 2019

2019 was the year I decided I didn’t want to procrastinate anymore. I wanted to put my efforts in to The Allergy Table. I love writing this blog, the people I have met through this and the instagram. I have done so much with this business over the last year and I have more goals in 2020 than I did last year, so you can imagine what I will accomplish. I want to bring more of this community (especially in the UK) from online to real life. I will bring my recipes to life and hopefully be up and selling by the end of the year.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me and will support me. It is a lot easier doing this knowing that I am not alone and that my words are being read by at least someone. I am very grateful for everything that I have, I have had and will have.

I hope you all had a great 2019 and I wish you the best 2020 and the new decade!

Enjoy my highlighted pictures of 2019 (remember that these are the great parts, it doesn’t show the work, late nights or hard times).

Happy 2020!

HALLOWEEN: Teal Pumpkin Project

HALLOWEEN: Teal Pumpkin Project

Judging for the FreeFrom Awards

Judging for the FreeFrom Awards