You have guac to be kidding me!

You have guac to be kidding me!

It’s that time again! The next allergy challenge - AVOCADO!

Avocado was not something I had thought of eating when I was younger. Us millennials hadn’t realised its many benefits yet.

When I moved to California at 16 it was everywhere. Mexican food, brunch, nachos, the lot. 

I was “diagnosed” with the allergy around when I was 8 years old along with all of my tropical fruits. The skin test proved that the allergy was even more severe than nuts! Which had shocked everyone, so from that point on the green stuff was no longer in my eyeline (however mum still snuck them into the house, she was careful but we had many arguments over the contamination factor).

When the most recent came out negative it made me feel ever so confused. 

How could I go from a skin test more severe than my most severe allergy to it being non existent?

In my blog post before this I talked about the banana test and how they tested me for avocado as well and I came up with a slight reaction so they decided to move it to another day. 

The day was only month later, I was still coming to terms with banana. Wahooo I love the NHS. I went into the clinic way more nervous than last time. I assume it was because the last test was slightly positive and I had such a severe past, but I was hopeful that it would come out in my favour.

Mum was there all the way through this time (she provided the avo and lemon juice and I brought the pretzels). 

The process was the exact same as the banana (post here). The tips for an allergy challenge is all detailed there. 

One thing they told me about eating the pretzels, is not to have too many of them. It’s a food that they haven’t controlled, if I had a reaction they would not know which substance I was reacting to.

I liked the taste of avo immediately, however it is bland and tasteless when not made with other ingredients. It is a good soft food to have with something ie pretzels (I would have had corn chips but my stomach can’t digest corn all that well). 

After I had completed the test I went out for champagne again and lunch. What happened next was very unexpected. I almost threw up. I think it was the fat content of the avocado, in that intense quantity, my tummy did not react well.

I usually go for carbs rather than fats and I am not sure I had ever eaten that much fat in one sitting without it being paired with a protein or a lot of carbs. I have to look out for that in the future. 

The doctor said something interesting to me. She said I should be eating it everyday or every other to keep up the resistance. I always thought the more you eat the more you can have a reaction (the odds). They have been making so many advances in this field since I was a child, its so good to keep learning and researching.


Since the test, I have been eating avocado more regularly, making my own guacamole and I bought a store one today. It is a little hard wrapping my head around it but I like the taste and texture so I am excited to keep eating it. 

Bring on chipotle, brunch and avocado fudge brownies!!! 

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We are the X people

We are the X people

Am I bananas? What happened when I had an allergy 'challenge' test.

Am I bananas? What happened when I had an allergy 'challenge' test.