5 mindset shifts for living a positive life with allergies
Over the last few years, I have been on a journey of self-development and changing my mindset to live my best and positive life. I get messages saying that I have such a positive mindset about my allergies and they never even looked at them the way I do. It has been a slow process and I am not always positive, but one thing I have learned is, thoughts aren't facts- you can change your thoughts if you want to. That is not to say it is easy (by no means is it easy) but it can be done. First thing is to become aware of your thoughts, be a fly on a wall in your brain. Then notice every time you are having a negative thought - then switch it. Switch those thoughts to more positive ones and see how your life will feel more positive.
Remember I am still learning. It is an everyday process for me and there are days when I am negative, but I try to always remember that I have the power of my mind to change my thoughts. These are just some mindset switches that I use a lot and I hope you can use them too or make up your own.
I was the person crying in my bed screaming that it isn't fair. I have had so many more health issues than I even share online, but reminding myself that the only person who can make it better is me, has helped so much - and I have fewer of those crying days (they are only moments now).
It also starts with your beliefs. How do you see allergies? Do you see them as a restriction or freedom?
There is a youtube video at the end of this blog, where I talk more about the mindset shifts. Please like, subscribe and comment.
““Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.””
5 Mindset shifts
I can’t eat so many things ➡ I can eat all of these things
I don’t want to go. I’ll have nothing to eat ➡ I want to go. I want to enjoy the experience (I'll pack my own snacks
No one will understand my anxiety ➡ I share my fears so that people understand
My life is restricted ➡ There are certain things I cannot participate in but I have so many other things I can do
People won’t like me because of my allergies, they are hard work ➡ The people I want in my life will love me no matter what. We call all do hards things.
Most of my beloved experiences do not involve food. I don’t travel for cuisines, I go to see something new and travel the world. I understand that people may not want to travel and they just want to enjoy a birthday cake with a friend - I say do what you want and make it work for you. Most people just want to see their loved ones happy, and that includes you.
No matter what, everyone is going through something, managing something difficult. Even though the circumstances aren’t the same, human feelings are. Be true to yourself, make your beliefs work with the life that you want to lead. I no longer see my allergies as a burden. If they are not a burden to me, they shouldn’t be to anyone else. Once I changed that belief, all the other thoughts changed too and now everything else is falling into place. It wasn't (isn’t) easy but those small shifts will help you on your way to being positive about your allergies and remember - I have had 28 years to come to terms with it, and every journey is different. Don’t compare, I just want to help you live your best life, with your allergies.
I did a youtube video on this topic, if you want to hear me share these and some other thoughts I had. Please comment below on what you think and whether your mindset is positive towards allergies or you are just not there yet (no judgement).
You are never alone.
Please like, subscribe and comment.
Things that have helped my mindset:
Meditation - I use Mimi Method meditations
Everything is figureoutable by Maria Forleo
Emma Amoscato Smile program
Visulisation, empathy, gratitude lists, time by yourself, boundaries and more…