Eating out is tricky when you have allergies. It is a lot harder when there are language barriers, new cuisines and you are away from home. Equal Eats provides durable food allergy cards (size of a standard cradit card) that can be translated into 50 langages, with a professional proofreader and 3rd party native speakers reviewing the cards.
The allergen cards are customisable to you. You can get them for specific allergens/restrictions or if you have multiple you can customise them to suit all of your needs (up to 15 allergens).
The company Equal Eats was founded by Kyle Dine who grew up with food allergies from a young age at a time where it wasn’t easy, and many people didn’t even believe that were real. When he was in his 20’s he decied that he would travel and it changed his life.
Since Equal Eats was founded it has grown into a major haven for the allergy community. People have shared with me how it has changed their life, and made them feel more confident eating out and traveling. I have about 10 translation cards and I have eaten out more times since getting them than ever before.
How can I buy them?
My new favourite card is Food Allergy ID cards - All of your allergens are on the card as well as your emergy contacts. It helps me feel safer if I eat out alone or solo travel.
Let Kyle tell you more:
If that still hasn’t conviced you to buy these cards, let me tell you that in every restaurant I have used these cards, the staff has said to me how amazing it is that I have one. They tell me that it makes it much easier to relay my allergens to the chefs and staff. I sometimes email my card to the restaurant so they see all my allergens ahead of time. - make it easier for you and for them!