Behind the Allergy

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PRODUCT REVIEW: Cocoa Libre- Vegan + nut free chocolate

Cocoa Libre - There are many chocolate companies that are now doing dairy free, or gluten-free but less so for nut free. My favourite is They are a nut free, dairy free, vegan and gluten free company and not only that, they don’t even have nuts on the premises! The chocolates are rice based. The varieties include honeycomb, raspberry, ginger, dark, "milk", peppermint… plus they come in lovely shapes. Easter it is baby chicks, Christmas I has reindeer. They have penguins, sheep and loads more. The taste incredible. I met the owner last year at The Allergy Show and she couldn’t have been more lovely. They are an ethical company as part of the Cocoa Horizon's Foundation and the prices are a steal! They have chocolate making workshops where you can learn all about the process if you email with dates you may be interested in and group size - up to 8 people per course. Currently age 16+.

Please check out their story and do yourself a favour - buy some.

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