Behind the Allergy

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PRODUCT REVIEW: Cauldron tofu

I love tofu. I never minded that rubbery taste (although cauldron does not have that taste). I have issues with soy milk and isolated soy but tofu has never given me any problems.

Tofu is a brilliant source of protein and containing all the sources of amino acids, which is beneficial for your muscles and giving cells their structures. Tofu includes iron and calcium; minerals manganese, selenium and phosphorous. Tofu is a great source of magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamin B1.

Cauldron is mainly vegetarian and a lot of their range is vegan. "All our products are manufactured on nut-free sites." I am so happy I found a tofu supplier that is nut free and tastes fantastic. Their Lincolnshire sausages are to die for - in my opinion better than the meat versions.

UPDATE June 2021

The new tofu packaging now states organic but no “nut free site label” I have sent the brand a message, their answer is below.

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