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The Great British Bake off 2019: Festival Week

To be honest I thought that festival week was about our amazing British music festivals, which was one of the jokes of this episode. Alas, it is about holidays, festivals in different cultures. So as it is October I decided that my festival will be halloween. So if you love everything pumpkin, take a seat…

Festival Week

Signature: 12 yeasted festival buns

Technical: 12 Sicilian cassatelle

Showstopper: Kueh lapis cake (Indonesian celebration layered cake)

Baked pumpkin donuts

Pre-baking information: You don’t need the moulds but I am so happy I bought them from amazon. Really easy recipe to make! Recipes from Live well bake often

Pumkin dough ingredients

  • 125g plain flour

  • 1tsp baking powder

  • 1tsp pumpkin spice (or mixed spice)

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 85g pumpkin puree

  • 65g brown sugar

  • 60ml milk (I used coconut milk and it worked well)

  • 1 egg

  • 30g unsalted butter (melted and slightly cooled)

  • 1tsp vanilla extract

Glaze ingredients

  • 120g icing sugar

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 15ml maple syrup or honey

  • 15ml milk (put it in slowly to achieve the perfect texture of spreadable and thick)


  • Preheat oven to 350ºf/ /gas mark

  • Spray a donut pan with spray oil

  • Mix flour, baking powder, spices, and salt in a bowl

  • In a mixing bowl beat pumpkin puree, brown sugar, milk, egg, butter, and vanilla together until fully combined.

  • Add the flour mixture to the pumpkin mixture

  • Spoon the mixture with a teaspoon into the moulds and spread so they are even (don’t over flow)

  • Bake for 10-12 minutes - toothpick when inserted should come out clean and there should be a golden coating

  • Allow to cool/rest for 5 minutes before taking them out of the moulds

  • Remove from moulds and whilst cooling make the glaze

  • Mix powdered sugar, cinnamon, syrup, and milk until a think and spreadable glaze

  • When the the donuts are completely cooled, roll the tops of them on the glaze and place back to rest

  • If you want put them in the fridge to speed up the glaze process

  • Serve cold and keep up to 3 days in a container (to keep them soft).

Judge D opinion: The dough has such a good flavour & texture, the glaze is too sweet but overall I love it. 9/10 (Nanny life)

If like what you see, or have made/will make this recipe, please leave a comment, like the page and/or share with somebody else. Thank you for reading! Stay safe.