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The Great British Bake off 2019: Bread Week

I love bread. I am very grateful that I am not gluten intolerant but I did go gluten free once so I will try to do a gluten free bread and bakes very soon. But this page contains gluten so if you can have this then, take a seat…


Bread is such versatile food. It can be sweet or savoury, you can toast it or have soft. There can be toppings or you can merely let the flavours of the bread bring you to a place you never knew was possible (did I mention I love bread?) I brought you two new recipes today!!

Signature: Filled tare & share loaf

Technical: 8 white burger baps & 4 veggie burgers

Showstopper: Display of artistically scored decorative loaves - the best thing since sliced.. uh…

New York style bagels

Pre-baking information: The recipe calls for proving/rising for 1-2 hours. Please make sure you have allowed time before starting this recipe. I made mini bagels but the recipe calls for only 8 to be made - in hindsight I would have made less, as the mini ones are cute but they are not for functional use. Recipe is from Grad Food. Link in the title. 


  • 320 ml room temperature water

  • 1 sachet of active yeast (7g or 1 tbsp I get mine from Tesco)

  • 1 1/2tbsp white granulated sugar

  • 420g strong wholemeal bread flour

  • 1 1/2tsp salt

  • 1tbsp sunflower oil

Options: cinnamon & raisins


  • In a small bowl or a measuring cup add the water, yeast and sugar and mix thoroughly. Let rest for 10 minutes.

  • In a mixing bowl sift in the flour and salt. Create a hole in the middle of the flour mix and pour in the yeast water. Mix all together completely until it forms a dough.

  • On a lightly floured surface knead the dough for 5 minutes (do not skimp on time). Form a ball with the dough. Oil the mixing bowl and place the dough ball in to it. Place a clean cloth over the bowl and let rise for 1-2hours.

  • Once rises, pre-heat oven to 220ºc/425ºf/gas mark 7. Place the dough onto another lightly floured surface and punch down the dough. Divide the dough up into how many bagels you want. (I separated mine in half- one was unflavoured the other was cinnamon & raisin). Roll these the small doughs into their own ball shape. Let them rest for 10 more minutes (another proving if you will).

  • When the dough has rested - fill a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. In the meantime, with each dough ball pinch the centre of the ball and create a hole in the middle and carefully expand the hole until it is 1 inch in diameter.

  • With two bagels at a time place into the boiling water. Let them sit in the water turning them over once after a minute. (Keep track of the time as they need to be in there to cook before baking.)

  • Once out of the water bath leave to dry for a couple of minutes.

  • Place on a baking tray and spray oil or brush and place into the oven.

  • Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.

  • They should be stored with your other breads and last up until a week.

Sweet bread

Pre-baking information: This is a very quick & simple bread. It feels and tastes like cake. Great for after dinner guests or a coffee morning. You can put your own flavours to it. I used Jam and chocolate. The recipe was calling for 6 mini loaf tins but I had 2 and it worked a treat. Recipe is from Julie Blanner. Link in the title. 


  • 200g sugar

  • 500g self raising flour

  • 2tbsp baking powder

  • 1stp salt

  • 2 eggs

  • 480ml milk

  • 160ml sunflower oil


  • Pre-heat the oven to 175ºc/350ºf/gas mark 4 and grease or spray your tins.

  • In a mixing bowl add sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and mix thoroughly.

  • In another bowl beat eggs, milk and oil - until frothy.

  • Make a hole in the middle of the flour mix and pour in the egg mixture. Gradually adding and stirring until the mix becomes a sort of batter.

  • Pour the batter into the tins - not all of the way up so that the bread can rise. About an inch from the top. Make sure the batter is even and no bubbles.

  • Add your optional toppings now or if its icing wait until it has cooled out of the oven.

  • Bake for 40 minutes.

  • Once the bread is finished, bring out of the oven and allow it to cool before adding more toppings.

  • Enjoy up to 4 days. I would suggest freezing and when you are feeling peckish heat back in the oven for a slight crisp.

Dairy week is next…

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